2016 HOF Speeches

100 Days – Bubba’s HOF

Bubba1995 avatarSince I was 15 I’ve been addicted to Copenhagen. Like most of us here I tried quitting numerous times. Some of those quits lasted days and some weeks. The gums, patches and lozenges are no different than the chew I loved stuffing into my lip, just in a different vehicle. Over the last 20 years I’ve lied about my addiction, mainly to the people closest to me. I lied to myself. I’ve lied to myself for 20 years; I’m not addicted, it’s what I do, it won’t hurt me, my gums are fine, I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve been trying to complete this HOF speech for 12 days now and have started over numerous times, similar to my nicotine addiction of the past. I’ve made it 100+ days without nicotine but in no way am I cured. Like most of the quitters I’ve talked to I still have temptations for one more chew. I’ve been brain storming with different speeches lately of my journey with this drug and my last draft was left on the computer. My wife read it and she didn’t realize that I had lied to her back in 2006 about quitting. I did quit but I caved over and over again, and didn’t tell her about it. She was so proud of me that she flew us to NYC and bought me Yankees/Boston tickets. While we were there I proposed but it was all under a few lies about chew and nicotine. Fast forward 9 years almost to the day that I proposed in NYC, I left the dentist and my wife sent me a picture from KTC and that’s when I chose to stop lying about my addiction. Stop lying to my wife, kids, family, friends and most importantly myself. The 100 days is a damn good start but like most I have many more to go. Speacial Thank you to Johnnodip, Worktowin, Okiehunter, Jglav, TJ and everyone else for their help, I quit with you EDD ODAAT!!!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Bubba1995

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8 years ago

Thanks bubba copenhagen is a son ofa bitch to quit im 8 days quit now im affraid im gonna half to lean on you and others 43 years of it kicking my ass no more i quit with you

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