2016 HOF Speeches

Belated HOF – HOF is Long Haul

MikeLiveFree avatarI didn’t feel worthy to post a HOF at 100. Felt about the same at 200. Now I’m getting close to 300. “So when?” I asked myself. “Maybe never” I thought. You see, I thought I had forever ended my addiction to nicotine 10 years ago when I “quit for good”. I was a ninja chewer (old school big leaf was my preference). I didn’t want anyone to know during the many years I was using. So when I quit, I fooled myself into acting like I never used. Sheer determination and pride kept me off for 7 years. Then, after all that time, I knew I was not an addict, so I decided it would be ok to “enjoy tobacco” occasionally. For the next three years I could count on one hand the days I didn’t chew. I thought I was a goner, forever doomed to the worries, expense, and low self esteem that comes with addiction. But I found KTC, thank God. So much knowledge, understanding and support. I admitted I am an addict. And I no longer hide that fact. Now I look for ways to share my story with others. There are many just like me suffering from this terrible affliction, but feeling too embarrassed and helpless and hopeless. I have many to thank but I especially want to thank Captum, Dwayne, Cornholio, WW and Chewie. I’ll never forget you and hope to share posts for years, because I intend to post for a long time. Thank you!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member MikeLiveFree

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