2015 HOF Speeches

DWEIRICK – Samurai Strong

DWEIRICK avatarHere it is 100 days clean unfortunately at day one I had major doubt I would even stay quit (Until I came here)

I was 11 years old when I had my first dip, Red Man from my Father. I acquired it out of his pick up and took out a large dip. I felt dizzy the rush, nic buzz you know all that crap associated with dipping. I had done this a few times, but it got really bad around the time I turned 14 years old. I was a junior Firefighter at the time hanging outside of the station with some friends and one just happened to have a can of Skoal and I dove right in like a sucker!! Fast forward from 11 years old to 28 (17 years of ingesting this garbage) and I had gone from Skoal to so many other brands and finally ending with Copenhagen. I was burning through a can a day at times.

I started working as a 9-1-1 dispatcher in 2009 which has been one of the most stressful and rewarding careers I have ever been in. Unfortunately the only way I thought I knew how to channel the stress was to throw in a dip and push through it…. What a crock of shit that was!!! On June 9th 2015 I was sitting at my desk at 9-1-1 with a can of Copenhagen in my hand I had just tossed a dip that I had in for about two hours and was ready to put in a fresh one. I’m not really sure what happened next, but something compelled me to throw the can away and say this is enough. I made that next to impossible choice to quit. On June 14th I was in the fog really bad and beyond ready to cave the simple typing in Google of ”withdrawal symptoms of quitting dip” led me to KTC and the rest is history!! The people on here were exactly what I needed the accountability factor. I witnessed complete strangers not only provide insight, but go above and beyond to make sure people could stay quit. ”Brotherhood and Accountability” I knew from that point I was where I needed to be.

I deal with a large amount of stress on a nightly basis with my career. I have taken some of the most painful calls you could imagine if I can make it through those nights without that can anyone can!! I have decided to stay as active as I can with KTC. I need to return the favor to the KTC community because let’s face it they saved my life. Please feel free to PM if you are ever feeling foggy or your thinking about that cave. I promise to do everything I can to help.

There is so much I could put in here and so many people to thank, but I don’t want to drag this out. I hope if you are looking to quit and you come across this and many more HOF speeches you realize that this place works if you do exactly what is asked of you. Post Roll every day, be a person of your word, hold each other accountable and help your fellow quitters. If you can do that I assure you that you’ll succeed!!

September Samurai of Quit 2015 we made it and we will continue to make it. I can’t thank you enough for your support without you I wouldn’t be here!!

Special Thanks to LumberjackTim

(I also want to thank this site for your help in getting me to wake up to my problem with alcoholism and allowing a quit group for that as well. I’m sober from alcohol and Nicotine today because of this site and all of you here!!!!!!!!!!!)

NOTE: This piece written byĀ KillTheCan.org forumĀ member DWEIRICK

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