2015 HOF Speeches

25 Reasons GrievousAngel Is Thankful For Being Quit

GreviousAngel avatarNumber 12 will SHOCK you

I put off writing a Hall of Fame speech because I wasn’t sure what I have to offer that hasn’t been offered already by smarter and more eloquent people.

Instead, I think I’ll take the easy way out and list all the things I’m thankful for. Kinda like Buzzfeed.

  • I’m thankful to KillTheCan, for giving me the courage to post a Day 1.
  • I’m thankful to April 15, for walking through that first 100 days of suck with me. I could not have done it alone.
  • I’m thankful to the KTC vets, who kept us on the path, and taught us how to quit one day at a time.
  • I’m thankful to my wife, who made a “Congrats On 100” sign in the garage for me that I found when I returned home from work. She’s supported me from day one.
  • I’m thankful my son doesn’t have to see me dip.
  • I’m thankful I confessed to him I’m a nicotine addict, and he should stay far away.
  • I’m thankful my son doesn’t have to see his dad dip in front of other people.
  • I’m thankful to Jeff W who has texted me every damn day.
  • I’m thankful I don’t spend 25 dollars every 5 days on a roll of Copenhagen.
  • I’m thankful the white spots in my mouth have cleared up, that my teeth look better, and that my breath doesn’t smell like bear shit.
  • I’m thankful I don’t have dip remnants in every crevice of my car.
  • I’m thankful I can do what i want, when I want, without having to figure dip timing into the schedule.
  • I’m thankful that life is no longer something that is lived between dips.
  • I’m thankful that I do not have cancer, and have improved my survival odds.
  • I’m thankful I can have lunch with coworkers again, because I don’t have to skulk off to finger a can.
  • I’m thankful I no longer have a spit can to accidentally chug.
  • I’m thankful I no longer have a spit can that stinks to high hell after a weekend in the car.
  • I’m thankful I no longer have a spit can to accidentally knock over.
  • I’m thankful I don’t have to carry around a spit cup like a colonoscopy bag.
  • I’m thankful I can carry on a conversation without pausing twice a minute to spit in a cup.
  • I’m thankful to Wrigleys, whose Wint-O-Green lifesavers scratched a certain itch.
  • I’m thankful to David, who must bust his ass making all those sunflower seeds.
  • I’m thankful I can work a little longer if needed without being a raging addict after 5 pm.
  • I’m thankful I don’t have to worry about dip inventory planning.
  • I’m thankful for the new friends I have made since posting my Day 1 on Jan 5, 2015.

Last, but certainly not least, I’m thankful for my freedom. Nicotine does not own me anymore. She didn’t own me from the moment I flushed my remaining cans and posted up a Day 1. I felt it on Day 2, driving home on my long commute, hurting and craving. I almost burst into tears with a wave of euphoria, suddenly realizing how captive I had been, but how now I was free.

Make no mistake. 100 is not the end. It is just a moment to take a breath and look back at how far you’ve come in 100 days. I will continue on, one day at a time.

Any of you hurting new guys reading this who may be nursing a 1, 2, or 20 day quit . . hang in there. It isn’t easy. But a thing worth doing is often very hard to do.
I quit with you today.


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member GrievousAngel

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9 years ago

Great list, well said

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