Your Quit

Unwavering Commitment To Quit

Unwavering Commitment

Not sure if you’re aware but in addition to our quit forums and our social channels there’s a slew of quit talk that goes on every single day in the comments section of our site. I ran across this comment recently and I simply had to share. Tom shows a commitment to his quit that I’m not sure everyone could.

“Back in April i broke my back in 2 places. While in the hospital they also discovered i have kidney disease and my kidneys are failing thats why my bp is so high. I cannot even find a nephrologist who will see me. Besides other symptoms(not going to get into all of them) but my bp has been getting worse. It was 195/114 tonight. I have a feeling i don’t have much longer to go? The funny thing is if i really am dying using nicotine again is not an option or even a temptation. These last 4 years(will be 4 years oct 15) i am so grateful for. I hadn’t felt that good physically and mentally since i was a kid. I had forgotten what it was like to live without nicotine and i wouldn’t give that up for anything even now. Best of luck to all of You. Day 1379”

Thanks for showing us the way brother. Prayers to you for a speedy and full recovery.

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Snuffy72 (Terri)
Snuffy72 (Terri)
10 months ago

Well said, thank you for posting. There is no author credit that I’m seeing, but praying and hoping he is alive and well and still helping noobs like me stay quit.

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