MilestonesNews & Announcements

7 Years of Quit For

Seven Year Itch - 7 Years of Quit For KillTheCan.orgOn November 20th, 2013 (tomorrow for those keeping track),Ā KillTheCan.orgĀ will celebrate its 7th anniversary of helping people break the bonds of their tobacco addiction!Ā  As we come up on the 7 year mark we’ve recently surpassed theĀ 17,000 member markĀ and weā€™re well on the way to 18,000. Ā We’ve got over 2.3 million posts on ourĀ forumsĀ and our social media profiles (FacebookĀ andĀ Twitter) continue to blow up. However you want to get involved… there’s a ton of quit support available to you.

As we do every year, weā€™ll be having aĀ one-day-only, site wide roll callĀ on November 20th to help commemorate the day this whole thing started. Ā On last yearā€™sĀ November 20th roll call, we logged some truly remarkable numbers:

112,453 days of quit which equates to over 308 YEARS of quit!!!

At an average of a can/day/user…that’s 7,169 POUNDS of dip!
At an average of a can/day/user @ $5ea….that’s $562,265!
At an average of a .5″/per can…that’s 4,686 feet! We take cars to go that far people.

Talk about an inspiration to folks out there looking to quit dipping. Ā Proof positive that youā€™re not alone in your quest to quit.

There are a lot of people that look toĀ quit dipping cold turkeyĀ over the holidays. Ā This is a great opportunity to get them into the family and set them up for huge success moving forward in their quit and into the new year.

So please stop by andĀ post roll tomorrowĀ to help us celebrate. Ā Hereā€™s to you quitters!

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