2015 HOF Speeches

Devil6Dog HOF Speech – Hopeless To Hopeful

devil6dog avatarLet me start off by saying I’m a recovering Alcoholic and Drug Addict with 21 years clean and sober. I am 49 years old now. I also quit smoking 8 years ago. I started chewing when I was 14 yrs old. I am an addict of all sorts. I use to pride myself for being Drug Free for all these years because I never considered Nicotine a drug. Well I was wrong, quitting chew has been the hardest drug for me to quit with exception of Alcohol.

I owe my life to this community, there is NO WAY I would be where I am at and the piece of mind I am at right now without KTC. I quit on my own and on the 7th day I was 1 step away from caving when I did a google search for help and KTC popped up. If KTC didn’t pop up I would be at 7-11 instead. I’ve tried several times over the years to stop chewing never making it past 1 or 2 days. My last 10 years I HATED it everyday day and just felt hopeless. I envy the youngsters that are here fighting this battle in their 20’s.

For today I am at 100 days which is pretty amazing when everyone I know including myself thought I would die with a dip in my lip. It’s amazing how I went from how will I survive without chew in my first week to how will I LIVE the rest of my life now that I am FREE from the Slavery of Nicotine. I am eating 3 meals a day now which I couldn’t do before because I would have to take my dip out. I’m now on a solid workout routine, I’m more productive at work, I smile more, my wife is happier. My wife was soon tired of seeing snuff all over the hoes, nasty spit cups, brown thumb stains on the refrigerator and everywhere. It is such a NASTY addiction in every way.

I am thankful that I do not have cancer and hope I quit in time. I used to eat really fast so I could finish my meal and take a dip. I was already a fast eater because I’m a Marine. for years my wife would get so angry at me and I would get mad at her for eating so slow..ridiculous. I guess one of the biggest things I’ve noticed since I quit was how much time I spent worrying or even planning how I will put another dip in and how much I didn’t care about the people I loved. Dip always came first.

Well Not any More!!!

Thank you KTC

The Godfather

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member devil6dog

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