2017 HOF Speeches

HoF – So This Is What 100 Days Feels Like

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So this is what 100 days feels like.

100 days ago I was sitting in my car on my lunch break like any other day. As usual, I took the first half hour getting and eating lunch. The second half I would sit in my car, pack a fat lip, and read a book until it was time to go back. I packed that little can of cat shit, opened it up, and it was like a light bulb clicked on. I remember thinking to myself “Why the fuck am I doing this shit?”

I got out of the car, tossed the can in the trash, and went back to my desk. Like so many others before me, I started Googling “how to quit dip” and found this place.

The first few days were hell. As many of you remember, I couldn’t get “regular” for like two weeks. Talk about shitty.

I struggled. I struggled hard, especially that first month. I almost caved once, only to be saved by a dead car battery. Holy shit did I ever learn my most important lesson that day. Nolaq & Brown tore me a new ass.

I felt stupid, ashamed, weak. It was at that moment I knew that in order to make this work, I had to rely on my fellow quitters. I went back to my group, tail between my legs, and asked for help. That’s something I’ve never been good at, but I think it was one of the most important parts of my quit so far.

I’m getting better each day. We all are, together.

If any fresh quit happens to read this, stay the course. This place can save your life, if you let it. Drink the Kool-Aid, listen to the advice of those before you, get on here and post your roll everyday. Come check out live chat, I pretty much live there.

You have all helped me in some way, to get here. But to Harvestgirl, Prohunter, Fluck, Brown, & Pat: thanks for being there when I’m at my lowest, angriest, whiniest self.

To all you bad ass quitters in January: I’m honored to post up with you every damn day. I look forward to our next 100 days together.

To everyone in live chat: Thank you for being there, for shooting the shit with me, for all the advice, all the laughs, and all the fights.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member aaron2012

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