2014 HOF Speeches

Jaradm HOF Speech – Second and Final Round!

Jaradm HOF Speech - Second and Final Round!Second & Final Round!

I will start off this speech with a little History on how I got back to this point in my life. Back in 2003 I used another website just like KTC to quit using tobacco & it was very successful. I posted roll and remained quit for 2 full years. Then in 2005 Hurricane Rita hit the LA Coast and everything changed. The storm had a huge impact on my life. My parents, in-law’s and my home were all flooded and our towns (Delcambre & Erath) were in ruins. The day after the storm rolled through I stayed behind to work search and rescue. After a day of seeing devastation & ruined dreams of many families I turned back to dip. I thought at the time it would help me get through a really difficult time. Huge mistake..

The thing that aggravates me the most is it took me until 2014 (almost 10 years) to get my shit together and quit again. My daughter was born in 2011 and I slowly started to realize what was important in life. You see like many of you I was a closet dipper and as you all know when you’re a closet dipper it cuts into the time you get to spend with your family. I also started to think about what I needed to do with my life to make sure I could be there for my daughter. As my love grew for her the determination inside of me to make the right decisions followed. I made the decision during the last week of December to completely change my lifestyle and at the top of the list was to quit dipping.

Since that day I am proud to say I have been quit for 124 days. While I am proud of the accomplishment I know to stay humble & I understand how quickly a “trigger” can change everything. I have also started crossfit with some friends and feel the best I have felt in many years. I can truly say that this is the best 124 days I have had in a really long time!

I would really like to thank Gdubya for his continuous & timely support. He goes out of his way to not only help me but many other quitters! Thank You!!

Thank you to all of the Resolute Bastards (April 2014) that post roll every day and help to keep us all accountable! I am ready to grind out another 100 days with you guys!!

Thanks KTC for being the resource to many successful quits!!

For any new guys or gals looking to quit dipping I have this advice for you:

  • Follow the program & post roll every day!
  • Grind out one day at a time, never think about the future.
  • Do it for yourself!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member JaradM

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