
Much To Be Thankful For

Much To Be Thankful For - KTC ThanksgivingAs I sit here on the day before Thanksgiving I realize that I’ve got quite a bit to be thankful for.  Of course I’m thankful for my family, friends and health. I realize though that when I consider the concept of my “friends” I’m thinking of the people from  I’m thinking of people that have helped me get and stay quit.  These are not my “internet friends” – these are men and women who I talk to, interact with and have met.  This is the kind of interaction that you can expect when you become a member of our community.

I’m thankful for my quit.

I’m proud of my quit.  My wife told me the other day that she was proud of my quit.  I can’t tell you how happy that made me.  It’s not on her mind daily like it is mine, but she notices and it made me feel good.  My quit is something that I’ve grown to cherish and that I don’t take for granted.

If you don’t have a quit to be thankful for I’d like to invite you to join us.  We can help.  And this time next year you can sit back and reflect on what you’re thankful for… and you can include your quit.

Happy Thanksgiving folks… stay quit.

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Richard Sharp
14 years ago

There is so much to be thankful with having a site that helps support our and my quit. I would not be here still quit without this site. Chewie man I have a bag of quarters lets get our chat back up and there for support. Thanks Chewie for all the hard work you do keeping this site up and here to help. Rick

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