2016 HOF Speeches

Nothing Is Impossible….

KTC Logo RedFirst and foremost, it is an honor to be part of an elite group of people to kick the can and make it to day 100, but it’s not over after 100. Starting this quit out I was skeptical about quitting, thinking nothing will happen to me if I continue chewing. That night, a Tuesday if I remember right, I layed there thinking about it, my son was on his way into this world and what example would I be if I continued on the path of the nic bitch. After doing my research I found kill the can website and I knew this quit was possible. At about 2 in the morning I got out of bed grabbed the two full cans of grizzly wintergreen and flushed it. From that moment on I never touched the dirt again. 100 days of quit seems like a long shot from the beginning, but mostly quitting for myself and for my son made me believe the impossible was now possible. Day one was just like every other day I’ve tried quitting it was hell, but reading and looking at pictures helped me through the first day. I’ve been tested to the max throughout this whole ordeal starting with day three. My wife and I ended up in the Er because Easton decided he wanted to try and make his appearance early which was not good! That same day my dad was rushed to the Er with a heart attack. It was a beyond stressful day, with the help and support from the awesome people on the quit group I remained quit. For the past 100 days I have not been the most active on this site for the main reason I’ve been busy working which used to be the number one trigger from cutting alfalfa to spraying crops I always wanted a dip, but never did I need it. My lack of activity does not mean that after 100 il done with the site, i want to help other quit the nasty habit because I know if I can do it everyone else can. I would like to thank everyone on this site that’s helped me, even if we never talked seeing the stuff you posted was enough. I always want to thank my wife she took the brunt of my attitudes during this quit, but from the very beginning she supported my quit and helped me when I was down, it would of been tough doing this without her in my corner.. In conclusion, it feels amazing to be quit and join this HOF knowing the battle is still an everyday occurrence and I’ll never let my guard down. It take a lot for someone to admit they have a problem it takes big person to do something about it and fix it. That’s why I am honored to be in the June HOF group a bunch of badass quitter who don’t take shit from anyone and hold you to your word. Thanks to everyone and the impossible will always be possible! Quit 100 to life!!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Zachary

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