2009 HOF Speeches

Thanks For 100!!!

Thanks For 100!!!Like many others, my story starts at the ripe old age of 7 or 8. I used to sneak a dip from Grandpa’s Skoal. Not for the buzz but the thrill of getting away with it without him putting a boot in my ass. Move forward 5-6yrs and I started chewing full time to be cool around the neighborhood. I was the youngest in the hood with most of friends at the time being 16 or so. I was soon addicted to the can leaving me with about a 1-1/2 can a day addiction. 126 days ago, I was chewing in my upper lip, a habit I picked up in school, when the doctors told me I had skin cancer. I told family and friends whom suggested I quit. The Docs told me to quit… NOW! Rkymtnman sent me a link to KTC that I blew off. When I was ready to quit, I joined, 25 days after my diagnosis. I never in a million years figured I could do this. I’ve had to deal with a few problems during my quit, nothing someone else hasn’t dealt with before or will again. It’s not an easy road but it was no where near what  I thought it would be.

I would like to thank KTC for the help and the opportunity to get help from others juts like me. I want to thank my quit buddies, Braden and Stikbow for being a sounding board at times and posting an absent roll for me a time or three. All the ladies and gents in chat, thank you! I also want to give a  huge thanks to my support group of Jpcrew, Niwot, Scooter, Montana Rob, Chewie, Hydro and many others, if I missed your name, I apologize!!! I also want to thank my quit group, all of the June bugs are quiet but a good group of people! All the ladies and gents in chat, thank you Last but not least, Rkymtnman. To go through the things you did and still be here to help us out in our quit. Without your help, I wouldn’t be quit without you in my head all the fucking time screaming SHOOT THAT BITCH! Here is to many more quit days!!!!!!

There J-crew, there is your fucking HOF speech! lol

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member yammerhammer

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