Words of Wisdom

We All Have Monsters

MonsterWe all have monsters, some bigger than others, some pull and tear at us night and day, some stand in the background and remind us they are there only occasionally, some are as small as a toy soldier and others are as big as a ten story building.

Most of the time we take a monster that is the size of a toy soldier and turn it into that ten story building just because we don’t get our way or have what we want.

Your quit is one of these monsters you will have to deal with. You have to decide if it will be that toy soldier or that ten story building.

We all have within us the ability to turn that monster away. We all have the inherent strength to succeed. That choice is yours and you have to be able to look within yourself and find whatever it is that will allow you to step out of the dark and walk away from that monster that controls you.

I have learned one thing through adversity that has finally allowed me to take to gargantuan sized monster and turn it into that toy soldier. I will never allow my monsters to rule my life again. I did it with this saying and if you want to be successful in this quit journey you need to apply it as well:

I will always be stronger than my monsters, even on my weakest day! Period, the end.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member razd611

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Brett Walker
9 years ago

beautiful ! Well said razd!!

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