MilestonesNews & Announcements

14 Years of Quit For

KTC 14 Years

On November 20th, 2020, will celebrate its 14th anniversary of helping people break the bonds of their tobacco addiction!  As we do every year, we’ll be having a one-day-only, site wide roll call on November 20th to help commemorate the day.  On last year’s November 20th roll call, we logged 278,987 days of quit which equates to over 764 YEARS of quit!  Talk about an inspiration to folks out there looking to quit dipping. Proof positive that you’re not alone in your quest to quit.

Even in this crazy COVID world we’re living in, our forums and social media platforms (FacebookTwitter / Instagram / YouTube) continue to experience huge growth and engagement. Bottom line… there’s QUIT at every turn. You just have to seek it out.

There are a lot of people that look to quit dipping cold turkey over the holidays. This is a great opportunity to introduce them to the family and set them up for huge success moving forward in their quit.

So please stop by and post roll on the 20th to help us celebrate. Here’s to you quitters!

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