Complacency – Quit Killer
After reading what goes on here with those who cave, and also based on my own personal cave in 2003 after 14 months of quit, I have come to the conclusion that complacency is the #1 quit killer there is (just my opinion).
We must remember that WE ARE ADDICTS, AND THAT IS FOREVER. Do you seriously think that your nicotine addiction can’t come back to haunt you after one, two, three years quit?? You are an addict my friend, and you will always carry this demon with you.
What is going to separate you as a successful quitter, from the failure who caves? You have the tools to stay quit, and you will continue to use them in some form or fashion. The caver will have grown complacent in his quit. He will forget why and how he quit. He will forget that he is an addict. Like you, he has the tools to stay quit, but he will fail to use them.
It may seem hard to keep the quit fire burning sometimes, but stay engaged somehow. Re-read some of the things that have motivated you in the past. Continue to post roll and stay active here at KTC. Go find a new quitter that needs guidance. Be proactive in your quits, and the quits of others.
Avoid the complacency that will suck you back down into the dark life of addiction. Don’t let complacency and weakness be what kills you. That is what we are talking about, life and death. Our addiction was going to kill us. No thanks….I want no part of that.
Tobacco will not kill me.
LaQuitter – Day 137 – I am quit.
NOTE: This piece written byĀ forumĀ member LaQuitter
Thank you LaQuitter for these brilliant words!!! It is quitters like you who keep me on my toes and alert. Thank you!!!!
Couldn’t have said it better myself… Gotta stay engaged to beat this thing!