Vaping Shrinks Your Balls?!?!
Ran across this news article today and just had to share it. The title of the article from The Epoch Times is Vaping Lowers Sperm Count and Libido, Shrinks Testicles: Study. (note I believe you have to be a subscriber to read the full article).

According to a new Turkish study, “Men who use e-cigarettes could end up seeing lower sperm counts and experience negative impacts on testicles and sex drive”. But vaping is a safe alternative to smoking right? Um… no thanks. Now to be fair, the study was not done on humans but rats which I’m sure vape enthusiasts will point to but that’s a false narrative at best.
The Turkish study duplicates findings from a 2020 Danish study which looked at the effects of e-cigarette smoking in over 2,000 men. That study said, “Compared to non-users, daily e-cigarette users had significantly lower total sperm count (147 million vs. 91 million).”
And guess what… it’s not only guys.
In July 2023, researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus reported, “vaping by pregnant women can negatively affect fetus growth due to the presence of nicotine.” I thought it was pretty universally known that pregnant women shouldn’t smoke but I guess vapers think they’re exempt from this?
It’s been known for years that e-cigarettes have been linked to increases in cardiac arrest and stroke. According to a 2019 news release from the ASA (American Stroke Association), “e-cigarette users surveyed had 71 percent higher risk of stroke, 59 percent higher risk of heart attack or angina, 40 percent higher risk of coronary heart disease, and double the rate of cigarette smoking.” (see original article here). Damn. Just. Damn.