2017 HOF Speeches

Yeah This Sucks

Yeah This SucksI started dipping Copenhagen when I was 13 and have used it exclusively for 34 years. I have quit many, many times but never able to sustain it for more than a day. Until now. I have been quit for 105 days. The only difference this time is every day I promise some fellas that I call friends that I won’t use nicotine in any form TODAY. Every day I make this promise first thing in the morning to these friends. I will not let them down. If I didn’t promise them I would be dipping Copenhagen. This quit still sucks for me. I still want to dip everyday. But I am a man of my word and will keep it to my friends. I feel this site and my friends in May 17 and our numerous supporters have saved my life because Cope was definitely slowly killing me. I have met men in May 17 that I would go to war with any day. Thank for your friendship, support, laughs and having my back against enemies foreign and domestic. This journey has just started for me and is measured in minutes and inches. But all progression is positive. My prayer is too stay nicotine free until the day I die and I plan to accomplish this by promising my friends in May 17 everyday.

Semper Fi!!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Brett

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