Words of Wisdom

Find a Role and Raise the Bar of Accountability

Raising The BarI decided early in my quit that posting roll was going to be a first thing priority. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I walked my happy ass to my office and posted roll call. Nicotine was off the table for the day and I just needed to be a man of my word and keep my promise. In my mind’s eye I was also putting another nail in the door that separated me from the nic bitch and I knew I could never close it 100% if I missed a day.

I also started noticing vets posting with our group and as a way of increasing my accountability, I adding a post in their rooms as well. I posted support for them as a tribute to each of those groups/quitters who invested their time and energy in my quit and will continue to support them along with the newbs as long as I have quit in my lungs. Our quits must be 100% our decision to start with but KTC is a brotherhood and a community. We all failed miserably when we attempted to stop on our own. So embrace the brotherhood and allow yourself to be held accountable.

We’re here for a purpose so what is yours? Find a role to play here and raise the bar of accountability.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member CBird65

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10 years ago

Well said, indeed.

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