Your Quit

Finding Your Way Through ‘The Fog’

The Fog of Quitting DipThe night I made the decision I knew this was a huge moment in my life. If I told you that I had made honest attempts at quitting smokeless tobacco in the past, I’d be fibbing. You see, it was easy for me to say I was quitting because I never actually believed it. In the back of my mind I think something told me it was okay to quit today because I wasn’t making a commitment to the quit.

That night was different. I found this website. I talked to a few guys on the Live Chat. I made the Decision.

They say the first 3-4 days of your quit are the hardest as this is the time the nicotine is making its exit from your system. This is also the point that your Fog will start kicking in. My Fog lasted about 2 weeks at its worst, and had some afterglow for another couple weeks.

The Fog. Imagine being inside your body looking out your eyes and not being able to react to anything. Imagine staring aimlessly at your computer screen for an hour and not even noticing the time passing.

I spent a LOT of time on this site and in the Live Chat during my Fog. The people on here understood EXACTLY what I was going through and how hard the Decision was that I made. They understood the transition from embarrassment to pride. There is no other place you will feel as at home while in your Fog.

This is an inevitable part of your quit. It’s manageable. It can kind of be a free fun legal safe body high:) And its also a great time for you to continuously reflect on your Decision.

Embrace the suck.

NOTE: This piece written by forum member outernal

(Another article about The Fog by Chewie)

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