Your Quit

A Dip Quitter’s Experience With Chantix

Chantix TabletsHere’s my experience with Chantix if your considering using it to help with your quit.

Hey so I’m on day 45 of my quit after 5 years and 1-3 cans a week. Where I work a lot of people either smoke or dip and I honestly I didn’t feel confident in my will power. My doctor prescribed Chantix, I used it for about 3 weeks before I felt confident I didn’t need it anymore. Chantix will occupy the nicotine receptors in your brain so you will not crave nicotine. For example, I’ve had on two occasions had a coworker take out his can of Grizzly, take a pinch, and pack a lip right in front of me and looking me in the eye while he did it. Normally this would have been a huge trigger for me, with Chantix I felt no craving at all. I’ve gradually got the confidence to realize I don’t need that trash to get me through my work day or a long drive. Trust me, it feels really good to not be a slave to the can.

The downside to Chantix is it will not alleviate withdrawal symptoms. I’ve gone through a whole bunch of the withdrawal symptoms. You’ll still have the wild ride of withdrawals, but in my case, my urge to go back to the can was minimal. I took the good advice of some people on this site and went back to the doctor. He said I was okay and I was experiencing withdrawals and anxiety symptoms. At this point the fog is clearing but I’m still dealing with some wicked anxiety issues at times. To everyone out there quitting, stay strong, find support in friends and family, read this site, talk to your doctor/dentist. It’s tough but it things slowly get better.

NOTE: This piece written by forum member JAYP

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6 years ago

I used Chantix, did the two week ramp-up then quit on 11/1. The chantix helped cut the urge…dipping became much less satisfying, tasted like a wad of salty crap in my mouth, no good feelings, just kinda cut the withdrawal feeling during the ramp up period. BTW, 2+ can a day user for 24 years. Had the withdrawal hell for the first few days, then things got better. Around 3 weeks, I started having bad anxiety, had digestive problems, etc. Talked to the doc, got off the chantix, and basically went through withdrawal again. The reason they say do 6 months on chantix is to get your brain re-wired to get dopamine back to normal. I’ve been off chantix about 3 weeks and things are getting better. I think overall the chantix really helped, but read all the materials, etc. And never take it on an empty stomach.

8 years ago

I started using Chantix about one week prior to my planned quit date. After about 3 or 4 days of using Chantix I recall having some withdrawal symptoms. I continued dipping up to Day 8 on Chantix. Day 9 was my quit date and I executed it as planned. I continued to take Chantix but the more research I did the less it made sense for me to continue to use it. I quit taking Chantix around Day 4 of my quit and haven’t noticed a difference.

Now, I do believe that I went through withdrawals twice although I think they were less each time than if I had just quit cold turkey. This is only my belief, maybe it was just the insecurities and doubts of my addict mind.

I did experience upset stomach from time to time as well as the “side effects” of Chantix that just happen to be the same as nicotine withdrawal.

9 years ago

Hello, My name is Hunter. I put a big ‘old handful of that worm dirt in my dirt hole arry day 10 times a day. I can’t taste it unless I lick my fingers, but it sure does make my bhole tingle

7 years ago

@THEHUNTERCCAIN, that comment is so nasty. I hope you were joking but even if you were, it wasn’t funny, just gross.

6 years ago
Reply to  MANelson

@ manelson. Agreed. Could have been said with some class.

6 years ago

Your stupid

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