Frequently Asked Questions

How Long After I Quit Dipping Am I Still at Higher Risk of Getting Cancer?

RiskUnfortunately, you can’t go back in time and NOT have that first dip or chew that got you addicted. The next best thing is quitting right now today. While you’ll never be a person who can say that they never dipped, you can immediately become an “ex-dipper”. The following figures will show how over time you can become free from the nicotine that flows through your veins.

20 Minutes After Quitting:

  • Blood pressure drops to a level close to that before the last dip.
  • The temperature of hands and feet increases to normal.
  • Ulcer risk drops after quitting.
  • Peripheral artery disease goes down after quitting
  • Low birth weight baby risk drops to normal if you quit before pregnancy or during your first trimester the benefits of quitting

Two Weeks to Three Months After Quitting:

  • Circulation improves.

One Year After Quitting:

  • Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a dipper.

A Few Years After Quitting:

  • Cervical cancer risk is reduced a few years after quitting

Five Years After Quitting:

  • Stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-dipper in 5-15 years after quitting.

Ten Years After Quitting:

  • Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidneys, and pancreas decrease.

15 Years after Quitting:

  • Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-dipper.

It is never too late. You can increase your chance of a healthy recovery from surgery by quitting dipping surgery – the sooner, the better.

© John R. Polito 2016
The original article has been modified to be more relevant for dippers and chewers.

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4 years ago

Read Brad Rodu Tobacco Truth..Dip isnt 100 percent safe, but the risks are almost zero for any cancers due to chewing..about 2 or 3 out of 100,000 individuals will develop mouth cancer.

Steven Williams
Steven Williams
5 years ago

Today makes 2 years I quit dipping tobacco. I feel a lot better and don’t think of it anymore. Cravings are gone!! Good luck everyone!!

7 years ago

Whoever managed the site, I singed up a little while back and forgot all my log in info…,wasn’t serious then but it’s time now..I need to create a new account. I need help and some accountability people….I’m on day 4 of “quitting” well the clock has started over a couple time but down from a can or more day to a dip or 2-3,…need to get on this site again

7 years ago

This is BS. I would like to see the clinical study (or studies) that provide this information. I doubt it exists. And even if this were accurate, what is the percentage of individuals who dipped, 10 years after quitting, that developed cancer? What was the number of participants in this study, and how many developed cancer after quitting for 10 years.

The comments above are most likely based upon some algorithm for smoking, and slung out to cover a base regarding smokeless tobacco. Half-assed public information.

elle dee
elle dee
7 years ago
Reply to  karmasoda

my husband developed oral cancer 13 years after he quit chewing. he chewed for 20 yrs.

4 years ago
Reply to  karmasoda

Correct, in fact studies now suggest there is zero risk for pancreatic cancer from dipping.

8 years ago

I agree that this article does come across a bit negative, but these are probabilities, not certainties. The health (and financial) benefits of quitting are immediate, and benefits of quiting increase over time.

9 years ago

So I have the chances of getting cancer like a dipper until 10 years after I stopped!?…that’s scary and disheartening

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