Lean Into This Community To Quit Dipping
I ran across this piece of brilliance on our Discord server this morning and I wanted to share it. EdT3329 (November 2021) dropped some knowledge that every new quitter should pay close attention to.

Rambling and ranting of a quitter:
KTC is a godsend. It works like a charm, but only if you work it. This addiction is personal and you have to want to quit and take this super simple program seriously. At the very beginning, you have to decide if you are a man or woman of your word. If you’re not, turn around and leave. There’s no point in quitting with us because the value lies in accountability based on honesty and integrity. If you’re a man or woman of your word, I have great news. Following this simple strategy is foolproof. You’ll see WUPP posted far and wide on this server. It means, “wake up, piss, post”. You post your promise before you start your day, and if you’re a man or woman of your word, you’ve successfully insured your quit for the day. You can’t possibly dip and keep your word. It’s really that simple. That’s why I’m so shocked to see people casually “checking in” at lunch and saying they’ve been too busy to post roll. That means they’ve had HOURS to cave and buy a can without breaking their commitment. Why in the hell would you risk that when you can simply post up at your morning alarm? It’s unnecessarily reckless. There is a formula to the quit life. Brotherhood + Accountability = Quit. You’re already a man or woman of your word right? Wouldn’t it be even more effective if that daily promise was to people you deeply cared about and respected? Build relationships in this community. There are some awesome and interesting quitters in all stages on this server. Exchange some numbers and try to find someone to meet in person. It’s a great way to solidify your quit and others. There is a common trend I’ve seen over the past 600 days. It’s a number posted in the early afternoon and nothing else until the next day. Eventually the numbers stop and that member may or may not pop back up in the welcome zone.
Don’t be that person! Lean into this community quitters! Get involved in the new groups. Hang out in some wildcard threads. If you need some digits, hit my DMs and if you’re ever near Louisville, Kentucky, let’s get lunch!
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member EdT3329