Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Brandy – Jake’s Mint Chew’s First Seasonal Offering

Jake's Mint Chew Brandy SquareOur friends at Jake’s Mint Chew have done it again!  I’m thrilled to announce their newest flavor offering known simply as Brandy!  This new Brandy flavor is the first “seasonal” flavor from Jake’s and will be available now through the 1st of the year.  It is now available as a single case or as a “Mix & Match” flavor included in their variety packs.

NOTE: Brandy will take the place of one straight mint in variety pack. This is not referenced in the cart.

Certified USDA Organic, Jake’s has been introducing new flavors with some regularity.  Since I originally reviewed their products in 2010, Brandy marks the 4th new flavor.

Whether you like these new flavors or not I’ve got to give HUGE props to the guys at Jake’s for their continued innovation in the space. Well done gentlemen!

But without further build up… let’s get to the Brandy review.


As soon as I cracked open the can I got an amazing Brandy / Cherry smell.  The pack of the product was outstanding – actually better than I’ve seen from previous Jake’s products.  Not only that, but this was SUPER moist. I’ve not heard from Jake’s if they’ve made any changes / updates to the moistness (I know that’s not a word… stick with me) or cut of their overall product line, but I was VERY impressed with their Brandy offering.

As I said, great smell when opening the can and as with other Jake’s Mint Chew products the spitibility and longevity of the chew are here as well.  I tried Brandy on my way home from work one evening and it kept its flavor for my full half hour plus commute.  Great spitability here as with other Jake’s products… in fact, Brandy may stand at the head of the pack in that aspect due to the additional moisture I got.

The ingredients list from the can (which now includes the USDA Organic stamp) include: Organic Glycerin, Organic Mint, Water & Organic Flavors.  Ingredients for this all Jake’s products can be found here.

As I said previously, I did get a very strong Cherry taste / smell in addition to the Brandy overtones.  If you’re NOT a fan of Cherry flavored chews this one may not be for you.  If you’ve read my Jake’s Cherry Review you’ll see that I loved that one too so it comes as no surprise that I’m a big fan of the Brandy version.

Brandy has been added to the Jake’s Mint Chew website.  It’s available as a 10 pack, part of a split 10 pack and is also included in their sampler pack (where Brandy will take the place of one straight mint while supplies last).  Now you’ll be getting 2 Wintergreen and one each of Straight Mint, Spearmint, Kola, Cranberry, Cherry, Licorice, Cinnamon and Brandy).  Jake’s Mint Chew can be found on the web at

Special thanks to Adam and Jake for providing samples for me to try and review.  Don’t forget to check out our other smokeless alternative reviews (including reviews of other Jake’s products).

Disclaimer: In accordance with FTC Guidelines, we hereby inform this site’s viewers that we occasionally receive products for review purposes. At no time has payment has been made in order to elicit positive reviews. Affiliate links may be present in the above content. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

Have you tried Jake’s Brandy?  Send us a review and we’ll get it added to the site!

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10 years ago

I ordered half of a roll of brandy and I liked it. The other half of the box was Cherry and I more or less liked that also.

Rick Hammond
10 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Evening Chewie, Long time dipper here (Since I was 15 to now, I’m 35) I ran into the store tonight to get my “Tin” when I saw Jake’s Chew on the shelve. I grabbed a can of cinnamon and dang its good stuff! Funny thing is I had Brandy in my hand first, then I remember the taste of Skoal Cinnamon from back in the day and had to get it.. What type of review are you looking for?

Funny thing is I was not planning on Quitting tonight, it was just a chance thing.. At this time, not missing my Normal dip!

Rick H

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