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  1. Mission Statement – Why We’re All Here
  2. Quit Groups — What do they mean?
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  4. Roll Call — Why we do it…
  5. Hall of Fame Speeches — What they are and why we do it
  6. The Playground — Objects of Mass Distraction
  7. The Veterans — Why we stay around after 100 days
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Brandon K
Brandon K
1 month ago

Was off chew for a year, but about a year ago I got offered an on nicotine pouch, just like that I was hooked again. I am 6 days cold turkey

3 months ago

After 4 and a half years of quitting, I relapsed into dipping again. Then after some time, I decided to quit again, with me being currently 2 months away from my 1-year anniversary. The second attempt to quit again was much easier than the first. The food cravings, however – are much harder to deal with. I have gotten to an age where my diet has to be stricter (39), otherwise exercise will have very little impact on weight loss, no matter how often I work out or intense it is. Hopefully after a year, it gets a little more manageable.

William Bogantz
William Bogantz
9 months ago

Well, I’ve been keeping dipping from my wife and I left a spit bottle in her jeep on tuesday. I had planned to tell her after her birthday (friday) that I needed her help quitting because she’s the only person that I don’t feel the urge to dip around.

It moved up my timeline.

I’m about to leave work and threw everything out.

4:58pm is when I started….wish me luck…hope it sticks this time….

Last edited 9 months ago by William Bogantz
3 months ago

My wife found out in similar fashion and that was over 12 years ago. Still quit today!

Matt Haglund
Matt Haglund
9 months ago

Hey what’s up ! I’m ready to quit tobacco how do I sign up ?!

10 months ago

Good morning,

I’m on day 3 of my quit and the fog is much better today. I still feel short tempered and dizzy when I bend down but the seeds and mints/hard candy are helping and prayer. I’ve dipped for about 12 years and this is hard…. Really hard. I’m not sure if I should stick with the cold turkey or try to use some nicotine and tobacco free alternatives to help with the oral cravings.

1 year ago


I’ve been following this page for years. This is my first comment. I empathize with your struggle. You. Can. Do. It. I Killed The Can on August 17, 2015. You. Can. Too.

2939 days. Thats right. 8 years without a dip. You. Got. This. One day at a time.
It’s worth it.


1 year ago

I’m 48 days deep. Weeks 2-3 sucked more than I imagined they could. This from a guy who’s done a legit 30 day detox stint… But all is good now. I’ve developed quite a romantic memory of copenhagen and miss it dearly on occasion. But have no desire to start this process over – Ever again!!

I’m writing cause I started getting a headache yesterday and again right now. I can count the number of times I’ve had a headache on one hand. It just dawned on me this headache is identical to what I experienced a week or 2 after quitting.

Could these be related? Any group experience with detox symptoms recurring 7 weeks in? Or do I need to search elsewhere for my mystery headache…

I’ve never posted but I was lurking around through the early days of my quit. Thanks and God bless to all who spend time helping others.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

You Rock Chewie

I’ll take this as good news – it was buggin me not knowing why my head was acting up… And I appreciate the heads up on “the funk”

I know you’ve likely heard it all before but i still feel the need to write it – maybe for someone else… I’m proud to say I only quit once but it did take me over 20 years to make that decision (really more like 30 considering I used dip to quit smoking). I was completely blindsided by just how difficult those first 3 weeks were. By day 2 I was scouring the internet looking for any and all advice. This site was a Godsend and in particular, your many additions to the site.

God bless you Chewie

1 year ago

the gas station is right down the street

1 year ago

if i have more than $6 on me ill get a can

1 year ago

im 3 weeks quit. Been trying some zero tobacco alternatives to help. I have had some crazy mouth pain for about 2 weeks now, it comes and goes, some days the pain is there and some days it’s not. Has anyone else experienced the pain? I don’t have visible sores, my mouth just hurts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Koe

Koe, Yes Pain is a way for your body to heal. I had pain that lasted 2 months. Some Days it’s there and others it’s No pain. Keep it up you will continue to get better everyday. What has helped me is Coffee Pouches and for me it helps with my cravings. What are you using or nothing at all.

1 year ago

Hi Chewie it’s James again.

I’m on day 10 of not dipping and it’s been hard. I checked out that video on Sean Marsee just now and it was SO eye-opening. I was familiar with his story before but hearing it from someone who knew him and saw what he went through was insane. I feel more motivated than ever to quit now. Something else I was wondering is how long does it “usually” take for a dipper to get cancer from dip?

2 years ago

I made it 15 days before I relapsed

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